Letter From The Founder No. 15

A look back at the summer so far.
2022 has been an interesting year. We entered it bright-eyed and ready to explode as a business, and found instead that we needed to take the year to focus on our roots; control of our café, moving our production fully to Toronto, and creating a real community here in our hometown. It's tempting to set business goals such as "x% revenue growth" or raising some big sum of money.
This summer, we had different goals. Drive a Beachman to Montreal. Build an electric dune-buggy. Make a factory in Toronto, so our bikes can be born here at home. And throw a couple of great parties along the way.
So far, we've accomplished most of those goals, and we're proud of it. Making work a place where our favorite moments happen has been the greatest pleasure of founding this company. There is a long way to go for us, lots of new fun things and some serious ones. Some of those things are here below, and some are still in the chamber of secrets, fated for an email sometime in the future. But we are always cooking up something new.
As always I will highlight all the important bits like this for those who only have time to scan the email.

Cool Off At The Beachman x Aunt Lucy's Affogato Summer Jam
This Saturday, from 12-2 PM we will be hanging out, listening to the Beachman Vinyl Record collection, and whipping up Affogato using Beachman's Bahama Blend espresso beans and hand-made gelato at Aunt Lucy's Affogato in the Annex Hotel.
It's going to be a beautiful day full of gelato and good vibes, and definitely a day one would regret missing. See you there.
The Next Beachman Ride: Saturday, Baby!
Remember that Affogato Jam I was just talking about? That'll be the destination of our second ever Beachman ride, this Saturday, August 20th.
We'll meet at the Beachman shop at 11 AM, tune up the bikes, and then close up shop and cruise down to the Annex Hotel.
We only have 12 spots in the ride, so RSVP to this email ASAP to make sure you've got a spot in the ride.
See you next Saturday!

Enjoy The Beachman Boat - A Playlist For Lounging
“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing–absolutely nothing–half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”
This playlist is a companion for your absolute laziest sundays: Enjoy
A Quick Shipping Update
For those waiting on Indiegogo bikes, or our Summer reservations:
The bikes were re-routed to Prince Rupert, way north of Vancouver as the port there is struggling and needed some relief. The container with our next 105 bikes has been unloaded from the boat, and is awaiting a spot on a train. We will continue to update as the situation progresses.
Once they're on the train, there is just Toronto unloading and Customs Clearance before we finally have our hands on the bikes and can begin building and delivering them.

This summer is going to be an incredible one, and we can't wait to see you on the road.
Ben Taylor