Leather Saddle Bag
I look forward to getting this on the bike when it comes so I can do more than just see what I can fit in it! It's nice to have that extra bit of storage and the leather just adds to the class over a modern bag.
just received my leather seat and leather saddle bags but the saddle bags don't match the seat like they do in the pictures. the saddle bags are much more red than the seat, they're built with great Quality and they fit perfect but it is super annoying that they're two different colours now now nothing truly matches on the bike
Hey Brodie, sorry to hear about your disappointment. The reality with a product like this which is hand made in small batches is that we'll never get quite the same leather colour twice. However we've noted your feedback and will look into trying to standardize the dying process of the tanned leather we get for the bags in the future.
These bags are fantastic! Genuine leather, smell great, sturdy and well-made. You can fit quite a bit of stuff in them, too: bike chain, wallet and keys, books, etc... It's nice to take the load off your back, and ride free. They don't bother you at all when riding either. Very good product!
a friend introduced me to Beachman. i paid the downpayment right away. was really excited to pick up the bike. was also little worried maybe having overhyped myself. but nope. it was as good, if not better! the Beachman folks are friendly, the bike is amazing, the community is vibrant! i chuffed w the thought of riding my bike, every time!