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Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &

Bicicleta eléctrica '64

Precio habitual $100.00

Tipo de compra

Agotado: ahora aceptamos depósitos para nuestra producción de primavera de 2024.

El precio total es de $3999 USD o $4599 canadienses. El precio en EE. UU. aumentará a $4599 esta primavera, así que bloquee su depósito ahora para obtener el precio de invierno.

La '64 se conduce como una motocicleta ultraligera y atrae la atención de la multitud como debería hacerlo cualquier cafe racer vintage. Al montar uno todos los días, es posible que experimente: sentimientos puros de libertad, el viento en el cabello y el deseo de salir al aire libre.

Tu viaje diario al trabajo se convierte en un divertido crucero, un viaje a la cafetería es ahora una oportunidad para explorar el vecindario y lo haces todo sin quemar una gota de gasolina.

Calificada como una bicicleta eléctrica de Clase 2, la '64 no requiere licencia ni seguro para circular en la mayoría de las jurisdicciones, pero asegúrese de consultar primero con las autoridades de transporte provinciales/estatales locales.

Cada '64 es ensamblada a mano por nuestros empleados en la sede de Beachman en Toronto, Canadá, donde puedes venir a ver cómo sucede la magia e incluso probar una bicicleta recién salida de la línea de ensamblaje.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a nuestro cofundador Ben: (604) 360 4372

Y ahora, a las especificaciones:

Tren motriz

  • Alcance de 90 km (56 millas)
  • Velocidad máxima regulada en carretera de 32 km/h (20 mph)
  • 50 kilómetros por hora (32 millas por hora) Velocidad máxima todoterreno
  • Motor de cubo sin escobillas de 72 V (500 W limitado)
  • Batería de litio extraíble de 40 Ah con puerto de carga incorporado
  • Cargador rápido de 120 V, 3 horas para cargar el 80 %
  • 1 año de garantía del fabricante para la transmisión (anulada en modo todoterreno)


  • Marco de acero duradero
  • Límite de peso 300 libras
  • Pedales de bicicleta plegables
  • 6 pies de extremo a extremo x 3 pies de alto x 2 pies de ancho x 31 pulgadas (78 cm) de altura del asiento
  • Ruedas de 18 pulgadas, neumáticos de uso mixto de 3 pulgadas
  • Frenos de disco hidráulicos delanteros y traseros
  • Señales de giro, bocina fuerte, faros LED y pantalla LED
  • Bloqueo de dirección y alarma antirrobo
  • Habitación para dos
  • Garantía de 30 días en todos los componentes que no pertenecen al tren motriz

Reserve una prueba de manejo hoy - Reserve aquí

Envío a domicilio disponible en todo Canadá

Nota para los residentes de Columbia Británica: debido a las leyes sobre bicicletas eléctricas específicas de Columbia Británica que prohíben las bicicletas eléctricas con aceleración, estamos desarrollando un nuevo modelo que será una LSM (motocicleta de velocidad limitada), similar a un ciclomotor o scooter de 50 cc. Estos Beachman con especificaciones LSM tendrán una velocidad máxima de 60 a 70 km/h, sin pedales y requerirán una licencia de conducir y un seguro de ciclomotor. Estarán disponibles en todo Canadá en 2024 y tendrán un precio más alto de entre 6.000 y 8.000 dólares.

Sepa cuándo se lanza el nuevo modelo registrándose aquí:

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* indica requerido

Customer Reviews

Based on 26 reviews
mark steedman

'64 E-Bike

Joel Buenting
Special Machine

This bike is clearly in a class of its own. I bought it principally to replace public transit for my commute. Now, I find myself coming up with excuses to ride it.

I wasn’t prepared for the attention the bike receives! People *regularly* ask about it at stop lights and in parking lots. I’m always happy to chat and to help promote the bike. Apart from others asking about it or casting glances, I continually surprise myself by always admiring its aesthetics.

Everyone at the shop has been exceedingly helpful. I can’t say enough about the service and customer experience. The only thing I’d suggest – and this is only because the Benchmen shop itself is so neat – is that a picture of the completed assembly is sent to buyers for their purchase. I think anyone who buys one is excited to get their hands on it. A picture of the final build prior to pick up would be a nice touch.

Oh! If you buy one, grab the off-road tires!

Thanks for the kind words, Joel! Great idea bout sending a photo of the bike before shipping.

Mitchell Nice
Love this bike!

I have been nothing but impressed with this bike. It rides great, it's easy to use for someone new to riding, and the range and speed are more than adequate for living in the city. I look forward to riding it every single day.

Derek Leduc
1000km in, let’s talk!

I’ve just hit 1000km and I figure this is a place to write a real and honest review.

Riding the 64 has been nothing but fun. It rides so well, it accelerates in a much more natural and comfortable way than typical e-bikes. It handles a lot more like a vehicle and that sense of comfort is always present. Even in stressful Toronto traffic, the 64 is a really relaxed way to ride. It is like any motorcycle however, and you’ll most likely enjoy long stretches of riding over the stop and go pace of the city. Both are 100% doable, but when you have a bike this nice, you want to keep the wheels moving.

The ride is smooth. If I do have a suggestion tho, it would be to line the inside the of the battery cage with something like silicone to stop the battery from bumping while on rougher terrain. I think I’m going to do this myself. The stock tires are proving to be masterful on both road and dirt, and I highly recommend it for both. I did find a loss in traction below 4 degrees, which is complete understandable. Anyone who rides those cold months would invest in a winter tire anyways, as no tire is good for all weather.

The range is great. I’m about 225lbs and just shy of 6 feet. I get about 70km of range, and I’m sure a lighter person would have no problem hitting 80-90km. That said, I ride with my partner on the back all the time and we manage to top speed up hills easily. Little slower to take off, but no difference in top speed at all. It’s so amazing bringing your partner to the beach or to bbqs without needing a car.

Cars see your beachman like a vehicle and it makes getting around a lot easier. Obey the regular traffic laws and they won’t mind you using city streets at all. I’ve done a bit of travelling between downtown Toronto and Scarborough and even on 60-80km non highway roads, cars are pretty good about leaving you adequate room and treating you with respect. It looks like a motorcycle and that tends to be how it’s treated. Which is honestly one of the best parts.

People are going to be very interested in your super super cool looking 64, and don’t be surprised if people want to talk to you about it. I’ve even caught people taking pictures with it. It’s cool as heck.

Keeping it safe and secure can be challenging, but the battery is easy enough to remove and take inside with you. When that’s not an option, I highly recommend the kryptonite lock Beachman sells, and make sure to lock your 64 to a post that prevents the battery cage from opening.

I had an incident where my front light got crushed in a little and my reflector also cracked (Always use the kill switch when parking your bike) and I needed a repair. It was super fast, super friendly, and my absolute fav is it was local. Just ride down to the beachman garage and they fix you right up. This is hands down one of the best things about Beachman. They are local, a great team, easy to talk to, and they are lock stocked and ready to get you riding. You talk to the inventors and mechanics themselves, and get real help.

If I were to make any recommendations for future models, it would be to make a snugger fit with the battery, and to add a way to add addition security to the battery cage. But aside from that, it’s an absolute joy to ride. I love it so much. I hope to see a beachman forum or group so we can all share our love of the bike and build out little community up.

Take a test ride, you will not regret it!

Wow, thank you for the review Derek!

Your feedback about the battery is something we've had on our radar since we released the current power system, and a new version is in development for future iterations of the '64

Jack Thrift
Inspiring to ride

I have had my bike for a few weeks now and it seems to call out to me every day to come outside and go for a ride. I knew I would enjoy for that and I certainly do. I'm also finding it super handy for running quick errands around town - especially during rush hour when I manage to get around faster than the automobile traffic. All in all, this bike has turned out to be part of my daily life for enjoyment and for errands. Very happy with it.

Customer Reviews

Based on 26 reviews
mark steedman

'64 E-Bike

Joel Buenting
Special Machine

This bike is clearly in a class of its own. I bought it principally to replace public transit for my commute. Now, I find myself coming up with excuses to ride it.

I wasn’t prepared for the attention the bike receives! People *regularly* ask about it at stop lights and in parking lots. I’m always happy to chat and to help promote the bike. Apart from others asking about it or casting glances, I continually surprise myself by always admiring its aesthetics.

Everyone at the shop has been exceedingly helpful. I can’t say enough about the service and customer experience. The only thing I’d suggest – and this is only because the Benchmen shop itself is so neat – is that a picture of the completed assembly is sent to buyers for their purchase. I think anyone who buys one is excited to get their hands on it. A picture of the final build prior to pick up would be a nice touch.

Oh! If you buy one, grab the off-road tires!

Thanks for the kind words, Joel! Great idea bout sending a photo of the bike before shipping.

Mitchell Nice
Love this bike!

I have been nothing but impressed with this bike. It rides great, it's easy to use for someone new to riding, and the range and speed are more than adequate for living in the city. I look forward to riding it every single day.

Derek Leduc
1000km in, let’s talk!

I’ve just hit 1000km and I figure this is a place to write a real and honest review.

Riding the 64 has been nothing but fun. It rides so well, it accelerates in a much more natural and comfortable way than typical e-bikes. It handles a lot more like a vehicle and that sense of comfort is always present. Even in stressful Toronto traffic, the 64 is a really relaxed way to ride. It is like any motorcycle however, and you’ll most likely enjoy long stretches of riding over the stop and go pace of the city. Both are 100% doable, but when you have a bike this nice, you want to keep the wheels moving.

The ride is smooth. If I do have a suggestion tho, it would be to line the inside the of the battery cage with something like silicone to stop the battery from bumping while on rougher terrain. I think I’m going to do this myself. The stock tires are proving to be masterful on both road and dirt, and I highly recommend it for both. I did find a loss in traction below 4 degrees, which is complete understandable. Anyone who rides those cold months would invest in a winter tire anyways, as no tire is good for all weather.

The range is great. I’m about 225lbs and just shy of 6 feet. I get about 70km of range, and I’m sure a lighter person would have no problem hitting 80-90km. That said, I ride with my partner on the back all the time and we manage to top speed up hills easily. Little slower to take off, but no difference in top speed at all. It’s so amazing bringing your partner to the beach or to bbqs without needing a car.

Cars see your beachman like a vehicle and it makes getting around a lot easier. Obey the regular traffic laws and they won’t mind you using city streets at all. I’ve done a bit of travelling between downtown Toronto and Scarborough and even on 60-80km non highway roads, cars are pretty good about leaving you adequate room and treating you with respect. It looks like a motorcycle and that tends to be how it’s treated. Which is honestly one of the best parts.

People are going to be very interested in your super super cool looking 64, and don’t be surprised if people want to talk to you about it. I’ve even caught people taking pictures with it. It’s cool as heck.

Keeping it safe and secure can be challenging, but the battery is easy enough to remove and take inside with you. When that’s not an option, I highly recommend the kryptonite lock Beachman sells, and make sure to lock your 64 to a post that prevents the battery cage from opening.

I had an incident where my front light got crushed in a little and my reflector also cracked (Always use the kill switch when parking your bike) and I needed a repair. It was super fast, super friendly, and my absolute fav is it was local. Just ride down to the beachman garage and they fix you right up. This is hands down one of the best things about Beachman. They are local, a great team, easy to talk to, and they are lock stocked and ready to get you riding. You talk to the inventors and mechanics themselves, and get real help.

If I were to make any recommendations for future models, it would be to make a snugger fit with the battery, and to add a way to add addition security to the battery cage. But aside from that, it’s an absolute joy to ride. I love it so much. I hope to see a beachman forum or group so we can all share our love of the bike and build out little community up.

Take a test ride, you will not regret it!

Wow, thank you for the review Derek!

Your feedback about the battery is something we've had on our radar since we released the current power system, and a new version is in development for future iterations of the '64

Jack Thrift
Inspiring to ride

I have had my bike for a few weeks now and it seems to call out to me every day to come outside and go for a ride. I knew I would enjoy for that and I certainly do. I'm also finding it super handy for running quick errands around town - especially during rush hour when I manage to get around faster than the automobile traffic. All in all, this bike has turned out to be part of my daily life for enjoyment and for errands. Very happy with it.