Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &
Bicicleta eléctrica &

Bicicleta eléctrica '64

Precio habitual $4,800.00

Battery Size

Agotado: ahora aceptamos depósitos para nuestra producción de primavera de 2024.

El precio total es de $3999 USD o $4599 canadienses. El precio en EE. UU. aumentará a $4599 esta primavera, así que bloquee su depósito ahora para obtener el precio de invierno.

La '64 se conduce como una motocicleta ultraligera y atrae la atención de la multitud como debería hacerlo cualquier cafe racer vintage. Al montar uno todos los días, es posible que experimente: sentimientos puros de libertad, el viento en el cabello y el deseo de salir al aire libre.

Tu viaje diario al trabajo se convierte en un divertido crucero, un viaje a la cafetería es ahora una oportunidad para explorar el vecindario y lo haces todo sin quemar una gota de gasolina.

Calificada como una bicicleta eléctrica de Clase 2, la '64 no requiere licencia ni seguro para circular en la mayoría de las jurisdicciones, pero asegúrese de consultar primero con las autoridades de transporte provinciales/estatales locales.

Cada '64 es ensamblada a mano por nuestros empleados en la sede de Beachman en Toronto, Canadá, donde puedes venir a ver cómo sucede la magia e incluso probar una bicicleta recién salida de la línea de ensamblaje.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a nuestro cofundador Ben: (604) 360 4372

Y ahora, a las especificaciones:

Tren motriz

  • Alcance de 90 km (56 millas)
  • Velocidad máxima regulada en carretera de 32 km/h (20 mph)
  • 50 kilómetros por hora (32 millas por hora) Velocidad máxima todoterreno
  • Motor de cubo sin escobillas de 72 V (500 W limitado)
  • Batería de litio extraíble de 40 Ah con puerto de carga incorporado
  • Cargador rápido de 120 V, 3 horas para cargar el 80 %
  • 1 año de garantía del fabricante para la transmisión (anulada en modo todoterreno)


  • Marco de acero duradero
  • Límite de peso 300 libras
  • Pedales de bicicleta plegables
  • 6 pies de extremo a extremo x 3 pies de alto x 2 pies de ancho x 31 pulgadas (78 cm) de altura del asiento
  • Ruedas de 18 pulgadas, neumáticos de uso mixto de 3 pulgadas
  • Frenos de disco hidráulicos delanteros y traseros
  • Señales de giro, bocina fuerte, faros LED y pantalla LED
  • Bloqueo de dirección y alarma antirrobo
  • Habitación para dos
  • Garantía de 30 días en todos los componentes que no pertenecen al tren motriz

Reserve una prueba de manejo hoy - Reserve aquí

Envío a domicilio disponible en todo Canadá

Nota para los residentes de Columbia Británica: debido a las leyes sobre bicicletas eléctricas específicas de Columbia Británica que prohíben las bicicletas eléctricas con aceleración, estamos desarrollando un nuevo modelo que será una LSM (motocicleta de velocidad limitada), similar a un ciclomotor o scooter de 50 cc. Estos Beachman con especificaciones LSM tendrán una velocidad máxima de 60 a 70 km/h, sin pedales y requerirán una licencia de conducir y un seguro de ciclomotor. Estarán disponibles en todo Canadá en 2024 y tendrán un precio más alto de entre 6.000 y 8.000 dólares.

Sepa cuándo se lanza el nuevo modelo registrándose aquí:

Únase a la lista de correo

* indica requerido

Customer Reviews

Based on 37 reviews

Loving my Beachman so much! Fun to whip around on in the city and also great to take out to the country. About to take it on a trip down to New Mexico!!! Highly recommend it!

Alex Southam
Bought it for me - family is in low

I bought the '64 E-Bike for my own use and well, I should have bought two. My husband is riding it all the time, despite having access to his own e-bike.

Easy to ride, comfortable, FUN!! and beautiful.

Don't wait - just get it.


Jessica Stratton
I definitely made the right purchase.

I recently bought my 64 through an affiliated store, EZ-Rides while looking for an upgrade from my seatless kickscooter. So far it has proven a good investment; the ride is smooth, the acceleration is better, the range is over doubled, and the aesthetic cannot be beaten. I've been so hooked, I've been combing motorcycle sites for modification options, and coming up with excuses to take it out for a longer spin than initially planned for.

I'd always wanted to have a motorcycle growing up, but financially and parentally it was wasted dreaming. Now though, I have the perfect bike to practice with until I feel ready for that next step, or until the Aviator becomes available of course. I'm definitely eagerly awaiting the release of that platform.

To address my road experience so far, cars have kept their respectful distance, if impatiently. I've had no issues outside my own mind about lane changes or turning so far, and people have even complimented me as they drive past. I do find it worth noting that the weight being significantly less than a car, some sensors won't register the bike, and lights will not change if they need that sensor, leading to a lot of honking. This is not the bike's fault, as even full gas motorcycles may not be heavy enough. My two cents is to just learn where those lights are and avoid them if possible.

I'm absolutely in love with the bike and excited for my journey ahead. Hopefully it won't be too much trouble learning, what with Ontario driving culture being what it is.

Thanks so much for the kind words Jessica! We are super thrilled to hear about your positive experience.

Jayson Chessman
The most fun on 2 wheels…without a motorcycle license

This thing is so much fun. A real retro look with today’s technology with all the bells and whistles. A real head turner as well. Can’t wait for next spring….

Kevin Grant

This bike has been nothing but a dream come true. It looks and rides amazing and even before we got it off the truck people were stoping to admire. My dad and I are fighting over it so now we might have to get a second one!

Customer Reviews

Based on 37 reviews

Loving my Beachman so much! Fun to whip around on in the city and also great to take out to the country. About to take it on a trip down to New Mexico!!! Highly recommend it!

Alex Southam
Bought it for me - family is in low

I bought the '64 E-Bike for my own use and well, I should have bought two. My husband is riding it all the time, despite having access to his own e-bike.

Easy to ride, comfortable, FUN!! and beautiful.

Don't wait - just get it.


Jessica Stratton
I definitely made the right purchase.

I recently bought my 64 through an affiliated store, EZ-Rides while looking for an upgrade from my seatless kickscooter. So far it has proven a good investment; the ride is smooth, the acceleration is better, the range is over doubled, and the aesthetic cannot be beaten. I've been so hooked, I've been combing motorcycle sites for modification options, and coming up with excuses to take it out for a longer spin than initially planned for.

I'd always wanted to have a motorcycle growing up, but financially and parentally it was wasted dreaming. Now though, I have the perfect bike to practice with until I feel ready for that next step, or until the Aviator becomes available of course. I'm definitely eagerly awaiting the release of that platform.

To address my road experience so far, cars have kept their respectful distance, if impatiently. I've had no issues outside my own mind about lane changes or turning so far, and people have even complimented me as they drive past. I do find it worth noting that the weight being significantly less than a car, some sensors won't register the bike, and lights will not change if they need that sensor, leading to a lot of honking. This is not the bike's fault, as even full gas motorcycles may not be heavy enough. My two cents is to just learn where those lights are and avoid them if possible.

I'm absolutely in love with the bike and excited for my journey ahead. Hopefully it won't be too much trouble learning, what with Ontario driving culture being what it is.

Thanks so much for the kind words Jessica! We are super thrilled to hear about your positive experience.

Jayson Chessman
The most fun on 2 wheels…without a motorcycle license

This thing is so much fun. A real retro look with today’s technology with all the bells and whistles. A real head turner as well. Can’t wait for next spring….

Kevin Grant

This bike has been nothing but a dream come true. It looks and rides amazing and even before we got it off the truck people were stoping to admire. My dad and I are fighting over it so now we might have to get a second one!